Friday, May 22, 2009

Camping weekend and other grown up stuff

Today is Friday and Tyler had his last day of preschool yesterday. Life marches on no matter how much I want the special moments to last. Sean got a job (yay) that takes him away from home five days a week (boo), but I'm really OK with it. Today as I am packing for our camping trip I realized how extra special this weekend is going to be. Not only because it's Sean's birthday on Monday but because when he leaves we wont see him for four days. So we are going to cherish our time together that much more. It is really hard to have him gone but man it gives you some perspective.
I am also marveling at Sean for leaving his home and his family to go off and make a living so I can stay here and maintain our life. I really don't think he knows how grateful and proud of him I am. That's what keeps me from being a wreck when he is gone. He is off doing this great deed and all I have to do is take care of our son, take care of our household and wait for him to come home. Thank you God for giving me this wonderful Man.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are lucky, and I marvel every time I hear ( or read )you gush about your hubby I am glad that you appreciate your family. It keeps me in check and reminds me to tell my husband how proud I am of him and how much I love him for the great father and provider that he is.
