Friday, May 15, 2009

FPU week 2

This week we talked about relating with money and man it was a real eye opener for me. I so have an "I owe it to myself" problem. I rationalize spending to much money when I've had a bad day. I only deserve to have something if I have earned it. Having a bad day, getting into a fight with Sean, or dealing with illness is no excuse to spend money I don't have. Man it's hard to hear that. We also talked about how our spending impacts our children. If we don't teach our children to give and save no one will. I don't think about the fact that Tyler sees everything I do. He is going to learn all his life skills from us, I can't rely on school to do that for me.

These are all things I know but I have been tuning out my inner Dave Ramsey for my whole adult life. I do have to say that this sucks and I don't want to listen but I have to. I have to grow up and deal with this.

1 comment:

  1. I agree about how spending affects our children, Jackson always thinks when he goes anywhere, that he gets something. I should be teaching my child that it is okay to leave a store without buying something.
